The beauty of heaven

It is interesting to speculate about heaven and to understand what it will be like.
Is heaven beautiful?  Will it hold our wonder?
We refer to God as the Creator and that is because he is creative.  He must love creating things given by the number of different species of various types and forms that he has created.  If being creative is important to him, should it important to us?
I believe that the answer is yes.  We love being creative and art can touch our hearts in a way that we can not explain in words.  My love of art is in writing and reading beautiful language.  To see an idea expressed in a beautiful form moves me.  Others love paintings and expression of art on canvas or within music.  
My wife loves to organize things and see things go from chaos to order.  While we may be moved by different kinds of art, there is little doubt that art moves us.  This is because art is closely related to the creative mind of God.  He invented art and presumably wants us to feel its beauty.
Given that, surely Heaven is a beautiful place.  It is a place that knows no sorrow, which is beautiful in itself.  But beyond that, Heaven is the abode of God and Jesus said that “I am the way, the Truth and the Life”.  So heaven is abundant in expressions of life.  
Art can pall after a while; after all I can’t look at the Mona Lisa forever.  However the essence of heaven is eternal life, meaning that we will never get bored.  There must be infinite variety in heaven to keep us in awe for eternity.  One can only imagine how this might be and perhaps this is what artists on earth express in their own unique and individual ways.

Why i believe